Website, brand identity and online advertising

wash dog


A growing franchise with a variety of ideas to be managed and a graphic identity to be completely rethought- With more than 100 stores located in Italy and abroad Wash Dog is the leader in Italy in self-service dog washing and we at Purelab have taken up the challenge with great energy and carried out the huge amount of activities with a lot of effort by constantly interfacing with the team of Wash Dog.

wash dog interni


We created the whole artwork, from the new Brand Identity to the customized graphics both online and offline for all the stores. Thanks to an absolute collaboration with the other protagonists of the project, we have created all the contents for the advertising and we have handled the web development for both franchisor and franchising together with all web activities.

logo WashDog

Brand identity

Sito Web WashDog

Sito istituzionale

Sito WashDog

Affiliates’ area

Volantini WashDog


pagina WashDog

Interior setting up

Libretto WashDog

Paper pubblication

BlackFriday WashDog

Social media marketing

Volantino WashDog
persone e cane